Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week 6

Friday morning class:

The skirts are almost complete, the final step is closing the opening where you turned the skirt right-side out.  I think the biggest surprise was that they turned out beautifully - I wasn't surprised, I think you all were :o)  Every one of you did a great job and should feel good about the way the skirts turned out.  I hope you will make the skirt again and again!

A new handstitch was introduced, the backstitch - practice that over the week and turn in your best work to me on Friday.

Thanks girls - great job!

Mrs. Bachert

Friday afternoon class:

We got those stars completed, learned a bit about the history of the sewing machine, and learned a new handstitich - the backstitch.

Come prepared to begin your second project.

Everyone is on task and doing great!

See you Friday!

Mrs. Bachert