We were very productive this week - learning how to thread the machine, some got some bobbin winding experience as well. Beyond that, everyone got a chance to sew with thread - yeah!!
Everyone brought back their strips cut - and so nicely! The hand-sewing stitch covered this week was the even running stitch - everyone did a great job on their first attempt at this stitch. Please continue to practice that stitch until you get a strip that shows your best work, work that you will put in your notebook.
If you are able, spend some time practicing bobbin winding and threading the machine, so it becomes second nature. Use some scrap fabric and sew straight lines of stitching.
I passed out some worksheets to be done this week or next. Everything we are doing is leading up to the beginning of our first project. Click on the "vocab" link on the right side of this site, add the word muslin and even running stitch - word # 1 and 2 to your vocabulary sheet.
Be sure to ask if you have any questions - I am here to help.
See you all at your next class!
Mrs. Bachert