Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week three and four

We are moving right along - progressing nicely.

Week 3 -

* covered the history of the sewing machine. What was your favorite fact from the history of the machine that we covered? Mine was that people sometimes wore their clothes inside out, in order to get more wear from them.

* a basic seam finish was introduced - the pinked seam finish. Everyone made 5/8" seams on muslin strips, pressed them open and pinked. Those with better pinking shears than mine were able to pink the seam with both seam allowances together, making it go faster - then pressing the seam open.

* talked a bit about the difference between pressing and ironing.

* practice handouts were passed out - complete those as time allows.

Week 4 -

* pinked seam allowance strips were completed and turned in. We moved right along to "stitched and pinked" - that is the homework for this week.

* talked about our first project - the padded star. Once we get more control over the sewing machine, perfect back-stitching and pivoting, we will be ready to begin the star.

Thanks for bringing lots of muslin strips to class!

As always, you are doing great, being good listeners, and working hard.


* finish the "stitched and pinked" strip.

* bring back two sets of strips that have two inches of sewing at both ends - leaving a portion in the middle unsewn.

See you Friday!