With only four more weeks left for the semester, it is time to decide how to spend our last classes. Our class will officially end on May 4th. Remember we will NOT have class on April 13th because of standardized testing.
Girls, you were so efficient with finishing projects, we basically met my personal expectations for the year, about four weeks early! The initial pillows are either completed or well on their way to being finished. Good job!
After talking to everyone about how best to finish up the semester, if was suggested that we knit. Knit in sewing class - you bet! So for next week, please bring a short pair of size 6 knitting needles along with a skein of cotton yarn, like Sugar and Cream. If you have size 5, 7 or 8 needles, that will be fine as well.
The other area we need to tidy up is your notebook. You can arrange and put that together as you would like but it should be neat and organized. Label your strips and examples of how to sew on buttons. You should have a lot of handouts in your notebook, as well as some of the dot-to-dot sewing worksheets.
Finally, I need everyone to write up your own "self-evaluation" sheet for the twirl skirt. You can follow the ones I have done for the other projects, but write the questions to specifically fit the twirl skirt. Print off three copies of your evaluation form and bring to class on Tuesday.
TEACH Night is Monday, May 10th. We will display your projects and notebooks.
You all have a great week, enjoy the lovely weather. See you Tuesday!
Mrs. B