I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and break from your regular schedules. Schedules are good and we need them, but there is some fun in getting away from them for a bit.
To get back on track - here is where we are. We need to put the finishing touches on the shirt you are making. Bring some ribbon to embellish the shoulders of the shirt, if you wish to add that. I am hoping that everyone has had the time to finish the shirt over the break - if not, that will be the plan for our first day back.
Our next project is the "twirl skirt" - the one what uses the 5 inch squares. This is going to be a bit more time consuming that the other two projects, but you will also learn some new techniques. Please bring any scraps you may have around the house, for your own skirt, as well as to share with the others.
We will do a small study on the history of the "charm quilt" - which came from the Victorian Era.
This will coincide with the project. You will learn to make and use a template, piece squares together, gather, and more. This skirt, along with the other two projects will be displayed at TEACH Night in the spring.
After the twirl skirt is completed, we will make another craft from the patterns I showed you at the beginning of the year.
Please make sure that you have your vocabulary words up to date in your notebook. Make sure that the samples, practiced and perfected on the muslin strips, are your best work. We need to go over the skirt "self-evaluation" form and move on to evaluate the shirt.
So as you can see, we have much to do, let's hit the ground running on January 19th!
Looking forward to seeing all of you very soon!
Mrs. B