Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sewing right along

How it warmed the cockles of my heart to see you girls planning and discussing the layout of your squares before class on Tuesday. It was great to see so much thought go into the placement of the squares by not only color, but pattern - way to go girls!!!!! I love that you really planned out the tiers and didn't just start sewing any combination of the squares together.

This skirt is going to go together quickly - I can just feel it in my bones :o) So please be thinking of the pillow project coming up. We will swing right into that as we finish up the skirt.

For this coming Tuesday:

*sew the squares together, following instructions for each tier

* if you didn't look up the history of the "charm quilt" and write a paragraph about it for your notebook, please be sure to do that as well :o)

If we have time, we will start talking about how to read the back of a pattern and look at options for the pillows. We will start with the alphabet pillows first and go to the other options after that.

I see a very nice display table being presented at TEACH Night in the spring. Ahhhhh, spring - can't wait!!!

Good job girls - you are doing great!!!!

See you Tuesday!

Mrs. B