Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The word of the day - "glitch"

A glitch is a short-lived fault in a system -
the "system" being your sewing machines, and the "fault" wasn't yours :o)

No, this isn't a new vocab word, just a one-word definition of how the last half of class went on Tuesday.

Please notice that "glitch" is described as being "short-lived" - we will be moving forward, even if we have to sew them by hand - just kidding :o)

I appreciate your great attitudes toward the issues that some of you were having with your machines. Some days just go that way and Tuesday was one of those days!!!

We learned a quick way to transfer markings from the pattern to the fabric. It may have seemed time consuming but most patterns are tissue and making the markings goes quicker than when your patterns have been printed on computer paper. Using that method assures that you have the marking exactly where it is intended to be.

Bring back your little Velcro circle that we glued to the scrap of fabric. I am interested to see if the glue we tried is as good as the package says it is.

If you are able to get your Velcro sewn on before next class, that would be most helpful. The skirts could be completed in our next class if the Velcro is attached. Please make sure that you have either back stitched well or that you are tying off the ends on the backside with two square knots.

No new vocab words this week, no assignment other than working out the glitches on your machines and sewing on the Velcro, if you are able to get to that. You can go back through the posts and look for the one from September 27th - "Keeping up to date" - to see if you have everything completed that has been assigned.

You girls are awesome - thanks for making the sewing class so much fun!

See you Tuesday!